Sunrise Version 1.2 Released
Hi Everyone,
Thanks to all of the great feedback we received we’ve just released version 1.2 of the Sunrise theme. This update includes fixes for reported bugs and some additional improvements to the theme which we’ve outlined below.
- Corrected styling for nested paragraphs within blockquotes.
- Updated JS for applying right class to flickr images to keep layout intact regardless of number of images.
- Overall site width adjustments to account for 500px max image/video size.
- Accounted for expandable audio background to account for longer song titles.
- Added support for descriptions on audio posts.
- Removed default image sizing that was stretching narrow photos.
- Taller background image for white boxes to account for long quotes.
- Adjusted tag styling to account for tags that wrap to two or more lines.
- Added min-height for h3 background images in the sidebar titles.
- Made the icons of each post link to the Permalink.
- Added ability to show/hide Flickr and Twitter feeds without having to remove your Flickr ID or logout of Twitter.
- Added support for Pages navigation in the sidebar.
- Added ability to show/hide the Pages navigation.
We want to thank everyone who has purchased the theme or has given us feedback! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think of the update to the theme. To stay current with future updates you can also follow us on twitter.
Happy Tumbling!
- The 45royale Team
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
Example Post
Quickly communicate top-line infomediaries via adaptive interfaces. Objectively cultivate visionary strategic theme areas rather than resource sucking initiatives. Rapidiously simplify standardized schemas for equity invested web services.
Objectively cultivate visionary strategic theme areas rather than resource sucking initiatives.
Objectively productize world-class methodologies with prospective web services. Progressively leverage other’s customer directed systems via wireless services. Competently reintermediate proactive potentialities with multimedia based e-markets.
- Adaptive interface 1
- Adaptive interface 2
- Adaptive interface 3
- Adaptive interface 1
- Adaptive interface 2
- Adaptive interface 3
This is a Header 2
This is a Header 3
This is a Header 4
Objectively productize world-class methodologies with prospective web services. Progressively leverage other’s customer directed systems via wireless services. Competently reintermediate proactive potentialities with multimedia based e-markets.