• May,31st,2023 at 2:50 PM
a placeholder image with its dimensions, 2000x1000, written in the center.ALT

one big image
we love a good placeholder image

  • May,30th,2023 at 12:23 PM

⬆️ various photoset configurations ⬇️

  • May,28th,2023 at 11:07 PM

Anonymous asked:

frog please


here’s a little frog friend just for you :3

12 surprising clickbait titles that work

  • May,26th,2023 at 3:40 PM

Gotcha! While you’re here, check out some of this text formatting.

Bigger text ✨

This is bold, and this is italics. This is strikethrough. (I’m whispering this in small text.) This is not a suspicious link at all. This text is colourful!

  • This is a bulleted list.
  • I can add text formatting here too.

We take a break here to enjoy Lucille.

  1. This is a numbered list.
  2. It’s where you list items.
  3. And numbers appear next to them.
  4. Groundbreaking.

As one person once said:

Look at me, I’m an indented block!

I’m a quote block! Someone definitely said this at some point.

Juliet: What is this?
Romeo: I think we’ve been summoned for an example chat post again.
Juliet: Not again…

We have reached the end. Or have we?

Remember to stay hydrated, and follow @changes for Tumblr updates! 💖

Keep reading

  • May,24th,2023 at 2:12 PM


BIG DOG SWAGGERlouie zongimage

BIG DOG SWAGGER (funk tune i made with some friends)



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Donec placerat mauris commodo dolor. Nulla tincidunt. Nulla vitae augue. Suspendisse ac pede. Cras tincidunt pretium felis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque porttitor mi id felis. Maecenas nec augue. Praesent a quam pretium leo congue accumsan.
