January 11, 2013

Update is available! The theme will automatically update for you if you have not edited the custom HTML of the theme. However, if you have, you will have to select and install a different theme. Then go back to this theme and reinstall it. You can...

Update is available!

The theme will automatically update for you if you have not edited the custom HTML of the theme. However, if you have, you will have to select and install a different theme. Then go back to this theme and reinstall it. You can find the theme here.

2.0 Updates

3 notes
See Post tags #tumblr theme #tumblr #black diamonds #update

January 8, 2013

Update Available This Week
Many much needed updates were completed this week to make this theme even more customizable & robust! Including built-in infinite scroll, allowing the diamond lines to be swapped along with some other changes.
It was just...

Update Available This Week

Many much needed updates were completed this week to make this theme even more customizable & robust! Including built-in infinite scroll, allowing the diamond lines to be swapped along with some other changes.

It was just submitted to theme garden, I will let you know when it’s up and what the whole update entails! 

4 notes
See Post tags #fashion #ootd #black diamonds theme #tumblr theme

August 9, 2011


I have a list of updates I’m hoping to implement this week, per requests, which include:

Is there anything else you would like to see implemented? 

9 notes
See Post tags #update #question

i love your theme:) do you have anymore or can you make another?:)

There are a couple in the works, unfortunately working and such keeps me pretty busy but I will let you know when I get around to making one (:

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Just curious. I can't seem to be able to find a 'ask button. Instead, there are two 'archive' buttons. What can I do? Thanks. Btw. It's a beautiful theme.

When I updated the theme it seemed to have duplicated some of the code including the archives link.  I’ve submitted changes to remove the bug.  Should be available in a couple days!  Thanks for your patience with this everyone!

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what is the code for continuous scroll?

Here’s a great tutorial for implementing infinite scroll.  http://codysherman.com/tools/infinite-scrolling

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