November 24th, 2011
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Why it looks like this!

March 27th, 2010
Concrete Jungle
The Specials
The Specials

“Concrete Jungle” and “Little Bitch,” taken at a double-time pace closer to straight rock & roll than ska and spotlighting some hot Stones-style guitar by Roddy Byers, practically set fire to the vinyl.

In the three short minutes of “Nite Klub,” bass guitarist Horace Punter deftly negotiates the shifts from dead-on ska through a dub-reggae bridge to Sly and the Family Stone-type funk, undoubtedly one reason why Costello places him so prominently in the mix throughout the LP.

March 23rd, 2010

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    March 23rd, 2010
“ “5264” by amenitamuscaria (deviantART)


    “5264” by amenitamuscaria (deviantART)

    Reblogged from audience of one.
    March 23rd, 2010
    There are more adventures on a chessboard than on all the seas of the world
    Pierre Mac Orlan, in a fit of wrongness.
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